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Personal Growth Tools
There are many, many personal growth tools available to anyone with an internet connection. Which ones have I found work the best?
My coaching is based primarily on the Achieve Today Program. I chose this as my guide because it draws on a variety of sources, not just from one or two gurus. This meta-approach allows for a great deal of refinement, yet is also adaptable.
Here is a list of some of the personal growth tools you will use should you decide to work with me as your coach:
- Affirmations are positive messages that we either speak out
loud or silently that are meant to reinforce a growth area in our
lives, or to open up new avenues of growth where we might be stuck.
Affirmations communicate to our subconscious mind, and in time lead to
changes in our mind and body that synchronize with the spirit of the
affirmation text.
- Attitude of Gratitude: no matter where we are in life, there are
always things to be grateful for. An attitude of gratitude is one of
the most potent personal development and personal growth tools known.
It’s a close cousin of Joy, an unwavering feeling of happiness that is not
dependent on outside circumstances, but rather grows and stems from
inside the person, and it’s therefore unshakable.
- Journaling is an important practice to help you de-clutter
your thoughts, arrange priorities in your life, and provides an avenue
for inspiration to become concrete through the process of getting them
onto the page.
- Emotional freedom technique, (EFT), also known as tapping, is a
simple technique that supports and magnifies the power of affirmations.
To do so, we simply tap with the four fingers of one hand on certain
areas of our body that correspond to known acupressure points.
- Ho'oponopono, a deceptively simple but powerful tool
borrowed from the Hawaiian culture. We use it to quell negative thoughts as they well up inside. It consists of four short phrases,
which can be said in any order: "I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive
me, thank you".
- Personal mission statements address your life-purpose and the
things you feel passionately about and which give your life meaning.
They serve as a set of operating instructions on how you will approach
important life decisions.
- Meditation is the king of all personal growth tools for which
there is no substitute. Even short meditations, if practiced regularly
and faithfully, will calm our minds, give us new insights into ourselves
and the world around us, and becomes the bedrock on which all of our
personal growth rests.
- The Power of Forgiveness: Learning to forgive others for wrongs done to us, as
well as mistakes we have made that have hurt others, is a potent and
necessary personal growth tool.
- Hypnosis in reality is nothing more than achieving a hyper
relaxed state of mind that we normally experience at least two times a
day, just before we go to sleep and just after we wake up. In that
state, our subconscious mind is very open to suggestion, and is
therefore ideal for introducing affirmations and suggestions.
- Mental rehearsal: Often expressed as “imaging the feeling of
the wish fulfilled”, mental rehearsal involves visualizing a desired
outcome before it has happened while connecting it to happy thoughts,
thus supporting the creation of the desired outcome.
- Strength inventories counteract low self-esteem or
insufficient self-confidence. They are, simply, a list you've written
about your strong points, be they physical, emotional, or mental.
Related inventories may center on your successes or skills.

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An attitude of gratitude is a potent personal growth and personal development tool.
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