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Personal Growth Concepts
Here are the core personal growth concepts I use when coaching my clients:
- Gaining clarity about the things you want and don’t want in your life, be it in your career, relationships, or health.
- Discovering the limiting beliefs that have been preventing you from becoming your best self.
- Clearing those beliefs so they no longer hold power over you.
- Feeding the good and positive things that align with our goals and dreams.
- Starving negative thoughts that give power to suspicion and fear.
Focused Eye Personal Growth Concepts
Here are more of the personal growth concepts that we’ll work should you choose to work with me:
- The Law of Attraction: For centuries, people have known that our thought patterns influence our destiny. We call this the "law of attraction", and it's at the heart of much that we do in the area of personal growth and personal development.
- Limiting Beliefs: Limiting beliefs are thought patterns that hold a powerful sway over us. These beliefs show up as strong opinions about ourselves that we assume to be true, and which cloud many of our choices and behaviors in our present, everyday life. Clearing these beliefs of their emotional energy lies at the core of much personal growth and personal development work.
- Growth vs Fixed Mindset: A growth mindset is the conviction that we are learning creatures with huge capability to acquire knowledge and skills. A growth mindset flourishes as we gain confidence in ourselves. In this state we accept that we can reverse negative patterns from our past that have been holding us back.
- Our Conscious vs Subconscious Minds: We can think of humans as being of two minds: a subconscious (or unconscious, arising from the primal brain, and the mid-brain), and a conscious mind (from the cerebral cortex). Understanding how these systems work, and how they can conflict, is crucial to our personal growth.
- Knowing What You Want: It's critical for our personal development to have a clear picture of what you want in life, and, conversely, what you do not!
- Equanimity, a major benefit of mindfulness meditation, is a state of mind in which we're able to observe our emotions as if detached from them.
- Positive vs. Negative Thought Patterns: It's been known since ancient times, and now research into neuroscience confirms that positive thoughts lead to more happiness, better health, and more prosperity.
- Peak Performance: Personal growth requires energy. We activate that energy by nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.
- Turn it Into Something Good: It's inevitable that things in our lives will go haywire now and then. Let's learn how to take that problem and turn it into something good, so we can learn and grow.
- Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Many of us carry limiting beliefs and doubts deep within us that work at cross purposes to our growth and development.
Any of these personal growth concepts and principles, if studied and adopted, will help you to make progress in your life. It's a lot to absorb, though, and it's a challenge to keep everything organized in your mind so that you get the greatest benefit. As your life coach, I can help you to make sense of the flood of information, keep you on task, and share new personal development information as it becomes available.

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The Law of Attraction states that our focused thoughts, along with directed action, determine what we draw into our lives. Like attracts like!
Limiting beliefs are thought patterns imprinted onto our subconscious mind. They cloud many of our choices and behaviors in our present, everyday life.
In personal development, a growth mindset is the conviction that we are learning creatures with huge capabilities to acquire knowledge and skills.
How the human conscious vs subconscious mind work to keep us alive and thriving, and where their interests conflict
To know what you want in life is the first step to directing your energy toward your desires
In a state of equanimity we feel but do not necessarily react to feelings and emotions that well up inside of us in response to outside events.
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