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May 30, 2024

Empower Others, Empower Youself

Modern men are confused, not sure if their masculinity is welcome, having gotten messages that masculinity is scary and disempowering to women. There is hope!

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May 19, 2024

Real Men Change Diapers

How many of you Dads in the audience have embraced the role of father, and I mean truly embraced it?

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May 10, 2024

Threading the Authenticity Needle

There is a happy medium between people striving to live erotically authenticity lives, and the needs of a structured, civil society.

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May 10, 2024

Upcoming events offered by Strider John Peterson

7 archetypes: Artist

Upcoming classes, workshops, and other events offered by Strider John Peterson

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Apr 10, 2024

Knowing how to hydrate better helps us avoid dehydration and feel good


When we know how to hydrate better, we give our body what it needs to perform essential functions, keeping us healthy and feeling good

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Apr 10, 2024

Learn how to sleep better to improve your mental and physical health


Without the right amount of quality sleep, your capacity to think and function at your best goes down. Learning how to sleep better is an essential life skill.

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Apr 10, 2024

If we want to live better, we need to learn how to think better


It's well known that our thoughts control our destiny. Here are some tips on how to think better, so you can direct the path of your life to a better future

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Apr 10, 2024

Learning how to breathe better is vital to our health and wellbeing


Learn how to breathe better. Most people's breath is too shallow. This improper breathing increases tension. Proper breathing lowers the stress response.

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Apr 09, 2024

What does a life coach do, anyway? Find out here!


We know what sports coaches do, but what does a life coach do? Find out here what a personal growth coach does, and does not do, on behalf of their clients

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Apr 08, 2024

Here's how to eat better and healthier for peak performance


Everyone needs to know how to eat better, because food is more than fuel. Our bodies create new cells every minute, and food provides the building blocks

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